Best Eats In Beijing So Far...
As you all may or may not know, nothing makes me happier than going to a good restaurant to eat delicious food. It doesn't matter whether it is a famous swanky restaurant or hole-in-the-wall type of restaurant, as long as there's good food, I'm there. Hence for an aspiring food critic (side job) like me, Beijing is the perfect place to be -- there's just so many different types of cuisines to choose from. Best of all? The food is cheap! Here are some examples of food that went straight to my tummy:
*This was the flat hot pot dinner that I mentioned in my 3rd entry. It includes chunks of fish, shrimp, chinese vegetables, water chestnuts, flat slices of bread, etc., and brown sauce. I.E. the dinner that never ends since you can continually put ingredients in the pot....

*While this bowl of noodles looks like the average dish that you can get in any Korean restaurant, I have to say that this is the Best Korean Cold Noodles In Town hands down!
*Of course, Beijing (Peking) is not Beijing without Peking Duck! This is my favorite Peking Duck place so far. It's located around Sanlitun inside this hotel. What's so great about this duck is that the duck skin is perfectly crisp and the fat is evenly spread out... the skin literally melts in your mouth. One interesting way of eating the duck skin is by dipping it in sugar (the rocky type). Compared to the Peking ducks that you would eat in the U.S., the duck meat here is much more delicate and evenly sliced. In addition to the usual Peking duck wrap, we had broth with the duck bones, and other vegetable/soup side dishes ... very delish~
Same restaurant: fried noodles casing with diced duck meat, peppers, peanuts, tomatoes, etc. in it. You eat the inside mixture with lettuce leaves. yum!
There's more pics of other interesting dishes I've eaten so far, but I can't put them all on one post for some reason. It will be on the next one. Don't worry -- I obviously ate these delectable foods in smaller portions and on different days. I also have pepto chewables with me at all times just in case I get a bad case of the runs. And yes, these are only some of the many dishes i've eaten so far. Shouldn't this be enough incentive to come visit me? :)
that is the most beautiful duck ive ever seen! now let me eat it!
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